Moje osteopatie
Od renomovaného britského vzdělávání přepojuji funkční a strukturální techniky k co nejholističtějšímu poskytování individualizované péče
Pojďme odstranit vaši bolest!

Něco o mně
French-British, originally from Paris, I've had the privilege to live in 5 countries (France, England, USA, Wales, Czechia) ! As a "citizen of the world", I consider my circle a dynamic melting pot of cultures essential for a healthy mindset !
As a former sprinter, I competed my way through high school Florida State Championship in the US and nationally at University in the UK. I got my Masters in Osteopathy by connecting motion and medicine to understand the functional & psychological impacts of pain and adapt my approach to the individual.
Early in my teens, medicine and sports became pillars of my passion for health. But my passion for medicine did not stop there. Shadowing surgeons in the US, practicing with NHS workers in the UK and interning at the emergency services - SAMU in Paris, I came to Prague in 2022 to study medicine at Charles University - LF1.
And with my heart set on holistic care, I decided to go back to Osteopathy during my 2nd year as a more knowledgeable therapist and a refined problem solver with a greater appreciation for Holism.
Now, I help locals, expats, athletes and many others here in Prague, to live pain-free and become more health-conscious to tackle each day with confidence !
2024 - dále...
Masters of Osteopatic Medicine
Swansea University, Spojené království
Masters of General Medicine
Univerzita Karlova, 1. fakulta, Praha, CZ
Start Charles_Osteo, Poskytování individualizované, osteopatické holistické péče expatům, místním obyvatelům, sportovcům a mnoha dalším zde v Praze